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Steen a
- Aardbeienkwarts
- Achroiet
- Adamiet
- Adulaar maansteen
- Aegirien
- Afghaniet
- Agaat
- Agaat Boom
- Agaat Botswana
- Agaat Crazy Lace
- Agaat geel
- Agaat Grape
- Agaat Groen
- Agaat Mos
- Agaat Rood
- Agaat Roze
- Agaat Slang
- Agaat Sesam
- Agaat turritella
- Agaat Vuur
- Agaat Water
- Agaat Wit
- Agaat Zwart
- Ajoiet
- Albiet
- Alexandriet
- Almandien
- Aluniet
- Amezez
- Amazoniet
- Amber
- Amblygoniet
- Amegreen
- Amethist ogen
- Amethistkwarts
- Amethist Roze
- Ametrien
- Amfiboliet
- Amfiboolkwarts
- Ammoliet
- Ammoniet
- Amoriet
- Anandaliet
- Anataas
- Andradiet zwart
- Andalusiet
- Angeliet
- Angel Aura
- Angeliniet
- Anhydriet
- Annabergiet
- Antimoniet
- Antraciet
- Apachengoud
- Apachetraan
- Apatiet
- Apatiet Geel
- Apatiet groen
- Apofylliet
- Apofylliet groen
- Apofylliet helder
- Aqua Aura
- Aqualiet
- Aquamarijn
- Aragoniet
- Aragoniet blauw
- Aragoniet clusters
- Arfvedsoniet
- Arsenopyriet
- Astralien
- Astrofylliet
- Atacmiet
- Atlantisiet
- Atlantissteen
- Augiet
- Auraliet 23
- Aurichalciet
- Aventurijn Blauw
- Aventurijn Geel
- Aventurijn Groen
- Aventurijn Oranje
- Aventurijn Paars
- Aventurijn rood
- Aventurijn Wit
- Axiniet
- Azeztuliet
- Azuriet
- Amethist
- Babingtoniet
- Bariet
- Barnsteen
- Basalt
- Bastiet
- Bastnasiet
- Bauxiet
- Bergkristal
- Beryl
- Berylloniet
- Bertrandiet
- Bismuth
- Bixbiet
- Blaufluss (blauwsteen)
- Blauwe kwarts
- Blauwe veteragaat
- Blizzard stone
- Bloedsteen
- Boji stenen
- Borniet
- Brazilianiet
- Brochantiet
- Bronziet
- Brookiet
- Bruciet
- Buddsteen
- Bustamiet
- Bytowniet
steen c
- Cacoxeniet
- Calciet
- Calciet Agaat
- Calciet Blauw
- Calciet Champagne
- Calciet Cobalto
- Calciet fairy stone
- Calciet geel
- Calciet Groen
- Calciet Helder Optisch
- Calciet Honing
- Calciet Mangano
- Calciet Oranje
- Calciet regenboog
- Calciet Rood
- Calciet Roze
- Calciet Stellar Beam
- Calciet Wit
- Calciet Zwart
- Candle Kwarts
- Carneool
- Cascholong Opaal
- Cassiteriet
- Castoriet
- Catliniet
- Cavansiet
- Celestien
- Cerussiet
- Chalcedoon
- Chalcedoon Amethist
- Chalcedoon blauw
- Chalcedoon blauw gestreept
- Chalcedoon Chroom
- Chalcedoon Dendriet
- Chalcedoon Geel
- Chalcedoon groen
- Chalcedoon Paars
- Chalcedoon Rood
- Chalcedoon Roze
- Chalcedoon Wit
- Chalcopyriet
- Chalcopyriet bariet
- Chalcopyriet Nefriet
- Charoiet
- Chloriet
- Chloromelaniet
- Chroomdiopsiet
- Chrysanthium
- Chrysoberyl
- Chrysoberyl Geel
- Chrysokolla
- Chrysoliet
- Chrysopaal
- Chrysopraas
- Chrysopraas Lemon
- Chyta
- Cinnaber
- Citrien
- Citrien Smokey
- Cleavelandiet
- Cobaltocalciet
Steen a
- info
Base de données d'informations
- Spirituality ABC
Gemstones ABC
Edelstenen Kenmerken en Werking
Gemstones by name A
- Strawberry Quartz Gemstone
- Achroite Gemstone
- Adamite Gemstone
- Aegirine Gemstone
- Afghanite Gemstone
- Agate Gemstone
- Tree Agate Gemstone
- Botswana Agate Gemstone
- Agate Crazy Lace Gemstone
- Agate Moss Gemstone
- Agate Turritella Gemstone
- Amazonite Gemstone
- Amethyst Gemstone
- Amber Fossil Resin
- Ametrine Gemstone
- Ammonite Fossil
- Angel Aura Gemstone
- Angelite Gemstone
- Apatite Gemstone
- Apophyllite Gemstone
- Aqua Aura Quartz
- Aquamarine Gemstone
- Aragonite Gemstone
- Aragonite Blue Gemstone
- Aventurine Blue Gemstone
- Aventurine Yellow Gemstone
- Aventurine Green Gemstone
- Aventurine Orange Gemstone
- Aventurine Purple Gemstone
- Aventurine Red Gemstone
- Azeztulite Gemstone
- Azurite Gemstone
- Gemstones by name B
- Gemstones by name C
Gemstones by name A
- Edelstenen en de Chakra's
- Edelstenen en Sterrenbeeld
- Edelstenen op Kleur
- Edelstenen op Klacht of Werking
Edelstenen Kenmerken en Werking
- Our stores
- Contact us
- Sitemap
- Boeken, Tarotkaarten en Orakelkaarten
- Organic products
- Fragrance products
Healthy Lifestyle
- Flower of Life Nature's Design Products
- Angel Essences
- Archangels & Ascended Masters Essences
- Bach products Elixirs&Co
- Bach flowers
- Chakra Essences
- Core Emotions Essences
- Divine Harmony Essences
- Karmic Flower Essences
- Sacred Geometry Essences
- Neti Pot - Himalayan Salt
- Ear candles - Body candles
- Tea accessories
- Tea Fiore d'Oriente Organic
- Numi Tea Organic
- Tea Shoti Maa organic
- Tea Solaris organic
- Water vitalizing Gemstone Sticks
- VitaJuwel gemstone water
- Home and Living
Candles and candle holders
- Melt wax, soy wax and bees wax candles
- Chakra Candles
- Angel candles
- Fair Trade stearin candles
- Fair Trade votive candles
- Fair Trade tealight candles
- Candle holders - Tealight holders and Candle displays
- Rape seed candles
- Lotus atmospheric Candleholder
- Manifestation Candles
- Tea Light Holders Gemstone and Saltstone
- Wax melts
- Crystal salt lights
Singing Bowls - Tuning Bars - Tingshas - Tuning Forks ...
- Drums, dorje and bell
- Gongs, gong bags and gong stands
- Chime bars and tuning pipes
- Crystal singing bowls chakra lotus
- Singing Bowls Quartz - Crystal clear
- Hand held crystal singing bowls
- Crystal Singing Bowls Quartz Crystal White
- Crystal Singing Bowls Quartz Crystal White & safety bag
- Singing Bowls Quartz Crystal - Chakra sets
Singing Bowls
- Singing Bowls Chaken
- Singing Bowls Chakras
- Singing bowls Chö-pa
- Singing bowls De-wa
- Singing Bowls Ishana black/gold
- Singing Bowls with engraved Buddhas
- Singing Bowls Nada Yoga
- Singing Bowls Nirmala
- Singing Bowls Ohm
- Singing Bowls Samadhi
- Singing Bowls Shanti gold-colored
- Singing Bowls Tibetan Designs - carved
- Singing Bowls Zen Koan
- Singing Bowl accessories & pillows
- Singing bowls feltsticks & singing bowls beater
- Tuning forks
- Tingshas
- Wind chimes - Wind gongs - Windbells
Meditation products
- Meditation cushions and meditation mats Chakra design
- Malas
- Meditation Benches wood
- Meditation Cushions Half Moon
- Meditation cushions round Organic cotton
- Meditation cushions rectangular
- Meditation cushions round
- Meditation drinking bottles
- Meditation shawls and accessories
- Meditation Pyramid
- Support Cushions for meditation
- Meditation mats and meditation sets
YogaStyles Meditation Cushions
- YogaStyles Meditation Cushions Chakra Collection
- YogaStyles Meditation Cushions Comfort Series
- YogaStyles Meditation Cushions Symbolic Series
- YogaStyles Meditation Cushions Meditation PRO series
- YogaStyles Meditation Cushions Organic Series
- YogaStyles Meditation Cushions Meditation-PRO-ZAFU
- YogaStyles Meditation Cushions Design Series
- Minerals and gemstones
Gemstones and Minerals
- Minerals rough
- Gemstones and Minerals polished
- Fossils
- Aqua Gems
- Therapists
- Water vitalizing mineral sticks
- Orgonite products
- Golden Triangle Minerals
- Gemstone Tree
- Gemstone Sets
- Charging, Discharging and Cleansing
Gemstones and minerals by name A-B
- Strawberry Quartz - Joy and Happiness
- Afghanite - Clarity and Tranquility
- Agate - Grounding and Protective
- Tree Agate - Stabilizing and Calming
- Botswana Agate - Protective and Comforting
- Agate Crazy Lace - Energy Balance and Grounding
- Agate Gray - Inner peace and Positive thoughts
- Moss Agate - Cooling and Calming
- Agate Nature - Supporting and Harmonizing
- Red Agate - Strong grounding - Inner strength
- Agate Turitella - Processing Blockages and Trauma
- Ghost Agate - Self Control and Setting Limits
- Fire agate - Manifesting - Creativity
- White Agate - Sincerity and Goodness
- Amazonite - Intuition and Inner Knowing
- Amethyst - Spiritual Growth and Protection
- Ametrine - Peace and Tranquility
- Ammonite - Courage and Perseverance
- Angel Aura - Protection and Spiritual development
- Angelite - Calming and Protective
- Apatite - Success and Clear communication
- Apophyllite - Calming and Positive Thoughts
- Aqua Aura - Protection and Communication
- Aquamarine - Clarity and Purity
- Aragonite - Spiritual development and Grounding
- Aventurine Blue - Prosperity and Happiness
- Yellow Aventurine - Calming and Positive energy
- Green Aventurine - Zest for life and Self-confidence
- Aventurine Orange - Uplifting and Vitalising
- Aventurine Purple - Empathy and Creativity
- Aventurine Peach - Calming and Uplifting
- Aventurine Red - New ideas and Inspiration
- Aventurine Pink - Patience and Tolerance
- Azeztulite - Spiritual development and Cleanses the Aura
- Azurite - Insightful and Self-aware
- Barite - Optimism and Energy
- Amber - Uplifting and Satisfaction
- Basalt - Strength and Stability
- Rock Crystal - Purifying and Inspiration
- Beryl - Love and Romance
- Blaufluss (bluestone) - Happiness and Positivity
- Blue Quartz - Vitalizing and Calming
- Bronzite - Protective and Grounding
Gemstones and minerals by name C-J
- Calcite Blue - Motivating - Decisiveness
- Calcite Lemon - Self-esteem and Self-confidence
- Calcite Yellow - Perseverance and Courage
- Calcite Green - Cleansing and Motivating
- Calcite Honey - Powerful cleaner - Soothing
- Calcite Mangano - Self-esteem and Self-acceptance
- Calcite Orchid - Courage and Hope
- Calcite Rainbow - Optimism and Self-Esteem
- Calcite Orange - Spirituality and Relaxation
- Calcite White - Cleansing and Activating
- Carnelian - Creativity and Vitality
- Candle Quartz - Intuition and Meditation
- Celestine - Calming and Relativizing
- Chalcedony - Communication and Enthusiasm
- Chalcopyrite - Knowledge and Clear thinking
- Charoite - Freedom and Willpower
- Chiastolite - Inner peace and Balance
- Chrysocolla - Balance and Confidence
- Chrysoprase - Calming and Concentration
- Citrine - Success and Prosperity
- Danburite
- Dolomite - Stability and Grounding
- Dumortierite - Confidence and Patience
- Epidote - Self Confidence and Self Esteem
- Eudialite - Love and Compassion
- Faden Quartz - Spiritual Growth and Transformation
- Fairy Stone - Balance and Harmony
- Phantom Quartz - Transformation and Growth
- Fluorite - Intuition and Spiritual growth
- Fuchsite - Abundance and Prosperity
- Fulgurite - Spiritual Growth and Energy
- Gabbro - Grounding and Protective
- Golden Healer - Confidence and Positivity
- Goldfluss - Joy and Positivity
- Garnet - Passion and Motivation
- Heliotrope - Protective and Grounding
- Hematite - Protective and Grounding
- Herkimer - Balance and Harmony
- Howlite - Calming and Emotional Balance
- Jade - Luck and Prosperity
- Jasper Vein - Grounding and Protective
- Jasper Flower - Stability and Energy
- Jasper Breccia - Courage and Protection
- Jasper Brown - Stability and Vitality
- Jasper Bumblebee - Confidence and Creativity
- Jasper Cappuccino - Grounding and Calming
- Jasper Choco - Grounding and Stabilizing
- Jasper Dalmatian - Confidence and Balance
- Jasper Yellow - Positive Energy and Vitality
- Jasper Kamballa - Vitality and Renewal
- Jasper Landscape - Grounding and Transforming
- Jasper Leopard - Self-confidence and Willpower
- Ocean Jasper: Balance and Harmony
- Jasper Polychrome: Balance and Protection
- Jasper Pïcasso - Creativity and Protection
- Jasper Red - Power and Courage
- Jasper Zebra - Grounding and Creativity
Gemstones an Minerals by name K-Q
- Cat's Eye - Insight and Protection
- Kunzite - Spirituality and Protective
- Kyanite - Spirituality and Protective
- Labradorite - Protective and Intuition
- Lapis Lazuli - Wisdom and Communication
- Larimar - Inner peace and Balance
- Lava Rock - Grounding and Protection
- Lemurian Crystal - Connection and Healing
- Lepidolite - Insight and Awakening
- Moonstone Gray - Intuition and Self-Insight
- Moonstone Multi - Intuition and Empathy
- Moonstone Orange - Intuition and Spirituality
- Moonstone Rainbow - Intuition and Creativity
- Moonstone White - Intuition and Abundance
- Magnesite - Relaxing and Calming
- Magnetite - Grounding and Harmonizing
- Malachite - Protection and Letting Go
- Mookaite - Grounding and Protective
- Morganite - Love and Self-acceptance
- Obsidian Gold - Insightful and Purifying
- Obsidian Mahogany - Grounding and Protective
- Obsidian Rainbow - Transformation and Protection
- Obsidian Snowflake – Inner Calm and Peace
- Obsidian Black - Insightful and Purifying
- Onyx - Strength and Perseverance
- Opal - Protective and Love
- Opalite - Self-confidence and Harmony
- Peridot - Personal Development - Growth
- Pietersite - Spirituality and Inner Peace
- Prehnite - Spiritual Growth and Development
- Pyrite - Willpower and Self-confidence
Gemstones and minerals by name R-Z
- Rhodochrosite - Love and Compassion
- Rhodonite - Emotional Healing and Harmony
- Ruby - Energy and Power
- Smoky Quartz - Protective and Grounding
- Rose Quartz - Love and Self-Love
- Sapphire - Success and Prosperity
- Selenite - Protective and Insightful
- Serpentine - Balance and Inner Peace
- Shungite - Protective and Purifying
- Emerald - Love and Hope
- Snow Quartz - Connection and Trust
- Sodalite - Self-confidence and Self-respect
- Tiger Iron - Protection and Power
- Tiger's Eye - Protective and grounding
- Tourmaline - Protective and Purifying
- Topaz - Luck and Prosperity
- Turquoise – Prosperity and Luck
- Unakite - Calming and Insightful
- Vanadinite - Self-confidence and Willpower
- Sunstone - Joy of life and Optimism
Gemstone Jewelry
- Gemstones Bracelets
Gemstone pendants
- ANKH Gemstone Pendants
- Drilled gemstones
- Gemstone drop pendants
- Gemstone pendants A - B
- Gemstone pendants C - J
- Gemstone pendants K - Q
- Gemstone pendants R - Z
- Gemstone Cross Pendants
- Gemstones Angel Pendants
- Gemstone health pendants
- Gemstone heart pendants
- Orgonite Pendants
- Other pendants
- Gemstone skulls pendants
- Gemstone necklaces
- Chakra jewelry
- Donuts / Pi-stones
- Beads
- Magnetic jewellery
- Jewelry for men
- Earrings
- Other jewelry
- Palo Santo jewelry
- Gemstone rings
- Shamballa
- Silver gemstone jewelry
- Jewelry making - supplies
- Gemstone Jewelry Packed
- Interior Design
Natural Body Care
- Tabiano bio-sulphur
- Natural Perfumes - Eau de Toilettes
- Oleanat Body Care ORGANIC
- Najel Aleppo
- Massage products
- Natural Body Care
- Le Chatelard 1802
- Holy Lama naturals
- Natural Hair Care
- Natural Facial Care
- Natural Bath - Shower - Soaps Products
- Eliah Sahil organic body care
- Himalaya's Dreams
- Maison du Laurier Aleppo
- Cannacura hemp products
- Skin's Restaurant
- Saules Fabrika
- BIO Massage Candles
- Pendulums and dowsing rods
- Promo Statues
- Promo Organic Tea
- Promo Flower of Life Nature's Design Products
- Promo Chakra Products
- Promo Decoration - Jewelry storage boxes
- Promo Essential Oils
- Promo Feng Shui
- Promo Fragrance Products
- Promo Healthy Lifestyle essences
- Promo candles
- Promo Candle holders - Tealight holders
- Promo Singing bowl accessories
- Promo Tuning Forks, Tuning Bars, Tuning Pipes
- Promo Body Care
- Promo Malas
- Promo Meditation
- Promo Minerals and gemstones
- Promo Pendulums
- Promo Planet Pure cleaning products Organic
- Promo Window Stickers
- Promo Jewellery
- Promo Incense Accessories
- Promo Incense
- Promo Yoga wear
- Sale
- Spirituality - Buddhism- Hinduism - Tibetan
- Spiritual Statues
- Stationary and More
- Textiles
Incense - white sage and charcoal
- Archangels incense
- Agarbatti hexagram incense
- Aromafume incense bricks
- Backflow incense cones
- Fiore d'Oriente Chakra Incense
- Charcoal briquettes and Incense burners
- Ispalla Incense
- Herbal incense bambooless
- Masala and ayurvedic incense
- Morning Star Wierook
- Natural Bohème incense
- Nippon Kodo Japanese incense
- Incense Sagrada Madre
- Tibetan incense
- Marco Polo's Treasures incense
- Incense Satya Sai Baba & Nag Champa
- Incense Palo Santo
- Incense holders and incense burners
- Resins and herbs incense
- Incense Cones
- White Sage clusters and Smudges
- Celestial Magic Incense
- Yoga
- Gemstone Jewelry Collections
Gemstones and Chakras
Gemstones Root Chakra (1st Chakra)
- Agate Gemstones
- Agate Tree Gemstones
- Agate Botswana Gemstones
- Agate Crazy Lace Gemstones
- Amphibolite Gemstones
- Ammonite Fossils
- Aragonite Gemstones
- Aventurine Red Gemstones
- Rock Crystal Gemstones
- Bronzite Gemstones
- Chiastolite Gemstones
- Git Gemstones
- Garnet Gemstones
- Heliotrope Gemstones
- Hematite Gemstones
- Hypersthene Gemstones
- Jasper Breccia Gemstones
- Jasper Dalmatian Gemstones
- Jasper Yellow Gemstones
- Jasper Landscape Gemstones
- Jasper Red Gemstones
- Lava Stone
- Magnetite Gemstones
- Mookaite Gemstones
- Obsidian Gemstones
- Onyx Black Gemstones
- Pyrite Gemstones
- Ruby Gemstones
- Smoky Quartz Gemstones
- Rutile Quartz Gemstones
- Septarian Gemstones
- Shiva Lingam Gemstones
- Shungite Gemstones
- Stromatolite Gemstones
- Tiger Iron Gemstones
- Tiger's Eye Gemstones
- Tourmaline Black Gemstones
- Unakite Gemstones
- Petrified Wood Stones
Gemstones Sacral Chakra (2nd Chakra)
- Agate Botswana Gemstones
- Aventurine Yellow Gemstones
- Aventurine Orange Gemstones
- Amber Fossil Resin
- Calcite Honey Gemstones
- Calcite Orange Gemstones
- Goldfluss Gemstones
- Jasper Breccia Gemstones
- Jasper Dalmatian Gemstones
- Moonstone Gray Gemstones
- Moonstone Orange Gemstones
- Moonstone White Gemstones
- Mookaite Gemstones
Gemstones Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd Chakra)
- Agate Crazy Lace Gemstones
- Ametrine Gemstones
- Amphibolite Gemstones
- Aragonite Gemstones
- Aventurine Yellow Gemstones
- Amber Fossil Resin
- Calcite Yellow Gemstones
- Chrysoprase Gemstones
- Citrine Gemstones
- Fluorite Gemstones
- Golden Healer Gemstones
- Goldfluss Gemstones
- Jasper Yellow Gemstones
- Jasper Landscape Gemstones
- Jasper Ocean Gemstones
- Jasper Polychrome Gemstones
- Cat's Eye Gemstones
- Labradorite Gemstones
- Moonstone Orange Gemstones
- Malachite Gemstones
- Mookaite Gemstones
- Peridot Gemstones
- Prehnite Gemstones
- Pyrite Gemstones
- Tiger's Eye Gemstones
Gemstones Heart Chakra (4th Chakra)
- Strawberry Quartz Gemstones
- Agate Tree Gemstones
- Agate Botswana Gemstones
- Agate Crazy Lace Gemstones
- Aventurine Green Gemstones
- Agate Moss Gemstones
- Amazonite Gemstones
- Atlantisite Gemstones
- Chalcedony Pink Gemstones
- Chrysocolla Gemstones
- Chrysoprase Gemstones
- Epidote Gemstones
- Fluorite Gemstones
- Fuchsite Gemstones
- Fulgurite Gemstones
- Heliotrope Gemstones
- Jade Gemstones
- Jasper Ocean Gemstones
- Cat's Eye Gemstones
- Kunzite Gemstones
- Lepidolite Gemstones
- Magnesite Gemstones
- Malachite Gemstones
- Peridot Gemstones
- Prehnite Gemstones
- Rhodochrosite Gemstones
- Rhodonite Gemstones
- Rose Quartz Gemstones
- Serpentine Gemstones
- Emerald Gemstones
Gemstones Throat Chakra (5th Chakra)
- Afghanite Gemstones
- Agate Moss Gemstones
- Amazonite Gemstones
- Angelite Gemstones
- Apatite Blue Gemstones
- Aqua Aura Gemstones
- Aquamarine Gemstones
- Blue Quartz Gemstones
- Calcite Blue Gemstones
- Celestine Gemstones
- Chalcedony Blue Gemstones
- Chrysocolla Gemstones
- Dumortierite Gemstones
- Fluorite Gemstones
- Jasper Ocean Gemstones
- Kyanite Gemstones
- Lapis Lazuli Gemstones
- Larimar Gemstones
- Sapphire Gemstones
- Sodalite Gemstones
Crystals Third Eye Chakra (6th Chakra)
- Afghanite Gemstones
- Amethyst Gemstones
- Ametrine Gemstones
- Angelite Gemstones
- Angel Aura Crystals
- Apatite Blue Gemstones
- Apophyllite Gemstones
- Aqua Aura Gemstones
- Celestine Gemstones
- Dumortierite Gemstones
- Fluorite Gemstones
- Herkimer Gemstones
- Howlite Gemstones
- Kyanite Gemstones
- Labradorite Gemstones
- Lapis Lazuli Gemstones
- Moonstone Gray Gemstones
- Moonstone Rainbow Gemstones
- Moonstone White Gemstones
- Magnesite Gemstones
- Sapphire Gemstones
- Sodalite Gemstones
Gemstones Crown Chakra (7th Chakra)
- Aragonite Gemstones
- Agate Moss Gemstones
- Amethyst Gemstones
- Ametrine Gemstones
- Angel Aura Crystals
- Apophyllite Gemstones
- Atlantisite Gemstones
- Azeztulite Gemstones
- Barite Gemstones
- Celestine Gemstones
- Charoite Gemstones
- Danburite Gemstones
- Fluorite Gemstones
- Golden Healer Gemstones
- Herkimer Gemstones
- Howlite Gemstones
- Labradorite Gemstones
- Lepidolite Gemstones
- Moonstone Gray Gemstones
- Moonstone Rainbow Gemstones
- Moonstone White Gemstones
- Magnesite Gemstones
Gemstones Root Chakra (1st Chakra)
- Wellness - Therapy - Massage